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Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20231 min read
Create a Marketplace of Learning
Choose to monetize or not - you can price everything or nothing. Your Sessions, Media, Quizzes and Courses can all be priced and...
Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20233 min read
How to improve and achieve your Goals with SLOCOACH
Introducing the Continuous Performance Cycle It's no secret that we all want to improve. Improvement is a vital part of human nature –...
Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20231 min read
Social Media becomes Social Learning
Utilising articles, groups and a newsfeed to maximise engagement. Most of us are familiar with social media as a way to keep in touch...
Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20231 min read
New world of Interactive Courses
Using all the available functionality, customize the perfect training course to deliver meaningful interactions, accreditation, and...
Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20231 min read
The digital home of coaching + why elite brands choose us.
We power organizations to Engage, Grow and Monetize their community. We enable Coaches to scale the reach of their expertise and help...
Luke Holmes
Jul 10, 20231 min read
Full control and customization
You are in the driving seat, your brand, look and feel. Whitelabel - choose templates, colours, fonts and logos Complete control of all...
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